Behavior directed toward a specific area of the body
1. Does the individual hit or bang his/her head and/or ears?
2. Does the individual hit or slap the face area and/or nose?
3. Does the individual press, rub, or poke his/her eye(s)?
4. Does the individual pull out his/her hair?
5. Does the individual hit or bang his/her mouth or chin?
6. Does the individual excessively scratch, pinch, or rub his/her skin on anywhere on the body?
Possible physiological reasons
7. Does the individual suffer from seizures?
8. Does the individual have limbic encephalitis or herpes simplex encephalitis?
9. Does SIB worsen after suffering from a viral syndrome?
10. Does the individual suffer from asthma, allergies (e.g., rhinitis, food allergy), and/or sinusitis?
11. Does the individual suffer from celiac or Crohn's disease, or from gastrointestinal problems, such as bloating, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence (gas), foul smelling stools, reflux (GERD), and/or unhealthy looking-stools?
12. Does the individual engage in excessive air swallowing or aerophagia?
13. Does the individual have one or more food allergies or intolerances?
14. Is the individual a picky eater?
15. Does the individual appear to receive pleasure from the SIB and/or is the individual insensitive to pain, such as not feeling the SIB?
16. Does the SIB appear to be related to sensory issues (e.g., avoidance, calming, craving)?
17. Does the SIB often occur under anxiety and/or stress? (Examples: humming, acting "antsy," repeating/perseverating on words/phrases, breathing rapidly, sweating, trembling, pacing or acting more active, agitated, and/or irritable)
18. Does the individual have sleep problems?
19. Does the SIB occur mostly prior to or during menstrual cycling?
Possible communication/social reasons
20. After the individual engages in SIB, do you try to comfort him/her? Or after the individual engages in SIB, do you tell him to stop or say something to him/her to get him/her to stop the behavior? Or does this behavior occur when you are talking to other people?
21. After the individual engages in SIB, does he/she receive some thing (such as food, toy or object) or some activity (such as watching TV or playing on the IPad or computer? Or does the SIB occur when an object or activity is taken away from him/her?
22. Could the SIB be interpreted as a form of communication to get his/her needs and wants met? (e.g., "I want to leave" or "Leave me alone")
23. After the individual engages in SIB, does he get to stop doing a task or activity? Or does the SIB stop occurring shortly after you stop working or making demands on him/her? Or does the SIB occur following a demand to perform a task?